Today we started with a journal entry. If you missed class, make up your journal by writing a half page on a subject of your choice.
We read from our literature books today. The story we are reading is "The Landlady," by Roald Dahl. You can find it on page 71 in your literature book. This story has all sorts of foreshadowing, or hints about what will happen later in the story. Predicting what will happen in the story is an important part of reading. We use our analytical skills when we predict based on the clues the author has given.
We will be reading this story for the next two days. We will be using our literature books every day for the rest of the trimester.
On Monday and Tuesday you will be reading several Ray Bradbury stories during class. I will have individual conferences with each of you during that time. If you have unused hall passes, I will accept them for extra credit at that time.