Your poetry portfolio is due Thursday, March 27. It should include:
Section One:
Ten original poems (that means you wrote them) in ten different poetic forms from the list on the front of the handout. Be sure to give each poem a title, and indicate the form for each poem.
Section Two:
Ten poems you have found. Each poem should be written by a different poet and should feature a different poetic device. Do not use a poet or poetic device more than once. Be sure to indicate the poet and the poetic device for each poem.
Section Three:
Print out song lyrics from your favorite musical artist. Write a good paragraph (7-9 good sentences) about how the artist uses at least three different poetry devices in his/her song. Use examples from the lyrics. Include the title and writer of the song.
Hints for getting a good grade on your poetry portfolio:
• Clearly mark each section
• Staple papers together in booklet form, or use a folder that secures the papers together on the left side
• Make a front cover for your portfolio
• Make sure you follow the correct format for each poem in section one
• Make a real effort to write good poetry in section one
• Be sure to identify the poetic devices in section two
• Write a good solid paragraph in section three
We will be having a poetry slam in class on Thursday, March 27. To prepare for our slam, we will have open mic in class today, March 14, and Wednesday, March 19 for you to practice reading your poetry in front of the class. A poetry slam is a competition. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize. These are real, actual prizes totaling $20!!!!! There will be four rounds of our poetry slam. We will need 5 judges and at least 8 contestants. See me if you’d like to be a judge or a contestant. Each contestant will need to have 5-6 good original poems to read. Original means you wrote the poem yourself. The judges will rate each poem. We will combine the judges’ scores to determine who moves on and who is eliminated. Oftentimes, a very dramatic and entertaining reading increases the score of a performance. I’m planning to dim the lights and play some music during our slam to create some nice ambiance. The poetry slam is a more modern approach to Beatnik poetry readings. Laid back finger snapping is highly encouraged. Poetry slams are a lot of fun and becoming more and more popular among all age groups. After all, it is cool to be a poet (think song-writers). I will have a treat for everyone who participates, judges and contestants.