Friday, September 26, 2008


Today we started with a journal entry: What group to you belong to? How does your group feel about interacting with other groups (both positive and negative)? Possible groups could be: cowboys, preppy, popular, goths, emos, jocks, geeks, techies, music/drama, religious, skaters, smart kids, etc.

Next we had a spelling activity. For this activity, you were to choose five words from this week's list. Be sure to choose five different words from the ones you chose on Tuesday. Write the word, spelling it aloud as you go. Write it again, only this time leave off the last syllable, but continue to spell it aloud. Write it again, leaving off the next to last syllable, but continue to spell it aloud. Continue until you have nothing left to write. Next, turn your paper over and write the word from memory. Repeat with each of the five words.

This week we are talking about adjectives. Look to the right side bar if you don't remember what an adjective is. During reading time today, we wrote all the adjective we could recognize from The Outsiders. Each student should have come up with quite a list. After we were done reading, we got into groups to share our adjectives. We eliminated the adjectives that were identified by more than one person in the group, and compiled a group list. Then we repeated the activity with the group lists as a class. Each class come up with 30-40 adjectives that only one person had identified. The point--adjectives are EVERYWHERE! Get used to them. :)

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