Monday, October 20, 2008


I hope everyone had a wonderful fall break! I went to a rendezvous with my husband and our six girls. We had a wonderful time dressed in our colonial clothes, cooking outdoors, and mingling with other campers. The weather was simply gorgeous!

Today we started with this week's spelling words. See the right side bar for the list. We also talked about the P.O.S.O.T.W. Be sure to study these things on your own for a quiz on Friday.

We started a new writing project today; we are writing a personal narrative. A personal narrative is a description of an experience you have had. We are working toward an autobiography, in which you will write about three experiences you have had that were meaningful to you. The personal narrative can be one of those three experiences.

We started by brainstorming different kinds of experiences you could choose. Since you are writing three paragraphs about this experience, we decided the experience should be one that is very clear in your memory. The more you can remember, the easier it will be to write three full paragraphs. Here are some possible ideas: painful experience
scary experience
embarrassing experience
exhilerating experience
learning experience
near-death experience
first experience in any area
spiritual experience
negative experience
traveling experience

You have each had 13-14 years to experience life. Tell me about one of those experiences in three paragraphs. Remember, each paragraph should be 5-8 sentences long. The more you write today, the more you'll have to include in your autobiography.

The first draft of your personal narrative is due tomorrow.

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