Monday, April 7, 2008

4/7/08 9th

We are going full speed ahead with our mythology/epic unit. Today we started group presentations. We had three excellent presentations about Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Artemis. Good job presenters! Get the notes from one of your buddies if you missed today.

I gave journal topics today. We will start class with five minutes for journal writing for the next several days. Your journals entries must be at least one half page to get full credit. Journals will be due Tuesday, April 15. Here are the prompts:

Odyssey Journal Questions
Respond to the following journal prompts during the first five minutes of class for the next six days. You should write a minimum of a half page for each entry. Staple this paper to the top of your entries to turn in on Tuesday, April 15.

1. What are the characteristics that someone must have to be a hero?

2. Have you ever been on a journey? Here did you go? What did you do? If you have never been on a journey, where would you like to go?

3. If you were going to write an epic poem, who would you want as the hero? Why? Describe this superhero of yours.

4. Odysseus and his crew encounter various monsters on their voyage home. Have you faced “monsters” in your life? How have you dealt with them?

5. Odysseus, as the hero of The Odyssey, displays many abilities in having to deal with beings of all kinds and with various cultures. Think about the qualities Odysseus displays that help him interact with the various people he meets on his journey. Choose a quality, such as “open-mindedness,” and tell how this quality can be useful today when you are dealing with people.

6. Odysseus does not tell his men about the dangers they face with Scylla and Charybdis. Do you believe that it is best to know what is going to happen to you if it is dangerous, or would you rather face the danger without knowing about it? Why or why not?

I also gave a chart of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes for you to study for the upcoming test on Tuesday, April 15. You'll need to see me for the chart. The format won't work right here, and it is best that you have the chart in the proper format.

Also, we will follow a strict reading schedule for The Odyssey. I will put a schedule of the quizzes in the due date column to the right.

Reading schedule:
We will be reading Part One of The Odyssey from your purple literature books during the next five days of class. Please keep up with the following reading schedule:

Date, Pages
Monday, April 7, 651-658
Tuesday, April 8, 660-665
Wednesday, April 9, 666-670
Thursday, April 10, 673-677
Friday, April 11, 678-686

We will be having a test on the group presentations about the Greek Gods, The Odyssey, and Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes on Tuesday, April 15.

We are packing it in during the next several days. I'm expecting great work from each of you.