Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11/4/08 - 11/12/08

Mrs. Cheney has been a slacker! So sorry. Here is a recap of what we've done in the past week or so. We finished up the compare/contrast unit with a group project. Each group created a Venn diagram, then wrote a one paragraph summary of the differences and similarities between "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Third Wish." If you missed this activity, come see me.

The next few class periods we spent reading "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes. This story is in your red literature books. If you missed one or more days during the four days we read, you will need to check a book out and read the part you missed.

Today we are taking a test (of sorts) on "Flowers for Algernon". This is a making connections test--I'm far more interested in what you think about the issues surrounding Charlie in our story than the nit-picky details of the story. If you missed today, you will need to be prepared to fill in a plot map and answer several essay questions using examples from the story and from your own experiences to show me what you think.

Tomorrow we will start writing a persuasive essay.

Remember, due dates are a-coming! Don't forget--Friday is your last day to turn everything in.

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