We are starting Romeo and Juliet. by William Shakespeare. Today we had a bit of an introduction. I handed out a study guide for Acts I and II. You should have your guides out on your desks whenever we read so you can fill them out as we go along. They will also give some hints and suggestions about what is meaningful in our play. We will read as a class, like we're performing a play. I will assign roles every day.
I also handed out a learning activities assignment. I've given you ten suggestions for learning activities for you to complete during the next few weeks. I expect you to complete one per week. Mondays will be your due dates, starting next Monday, January 28. These activities will help you to better understand the play. If you choose to perform a scene for the class, please schedule your performance with me.
I will list some good websites for additional learning resources tomorrow.
Let's have fun with this!