Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12/4/07 8th "The Dummer Boy of Shiloh"/research paper

The journal entry today was to write our spelling words five times each.

We finished up "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh," by Ray Bradbury, along with the compare/contrast chart comparing the non-fictional account to the fictional story. We turned the chart in at the end of class.

We are now moving into our research paper. This project with take us through to Christmas break. I will post all deadlines here online. I will also give you a hard copy of all the deadlines associated with the research paper. There are lots of little parts that make up this assignment. Keep up with the small assignments and you will have an easy time of it. If you try to wait until the due date and then turn in a final paper, you will not get full credit for the assignment. The final draft is just a portion of the total assignment.

Today we started by exploring possible topics. Please choose topics that are interesting to you. Next, complete a chart like the one below to help you to choose an appropriate topic for your paper. Remember to choose something you'd like to learn more about. If you choose a dull topic, you will have a dull 12 days.

What I already know:
  • topic #1:

  • topic #2:

  • topic #3:

What I’d like to find out:

  • topic #1:

  • topic #2

  • topic #3:

What sources are available? (is there enough to work with?):

  • topic #1:

  • topic #2:

  • topic #3:

Tomorrow I will post due dates and guidelines.