Friday, December 7, 2007

12/7/07 9th The Spirit of Christmas Past

We finished reading Stave Two today. Hope you all enjoyed it. We also had a little art project going on with group drawings of The Spirit of Christmas Past, based on his description in the book.

I gave some literary terms today (this is a rerun from last year for most of you). The assignment was to find examples of the following literary devices in Stave Two:
  • imagery
  • simile
  • metaphor
  • inference
  • irony
  • foreshadowing
  • symbolism

This is an easy-as-pie assignment. Please do a good job and show me you know what these terms mean and how they are used.

I hope you are working on your study guide and your service project. My family is also doing the service project assignment. I'll let you know how it goes.

Look forward to a quiz on Stave Two as well as a spelling quiz on Monday.