Monday, October 27, 2008


No spelling words this week!

Using our peer evaluation sheets, we made changes to our drafts today in class. We spent the entire class period working on our final drafts. The final autobiography is due tomorrow. Use this score sheet to put your paper together. Make sure you give yourself a grade!

Score Sheet
Name____________________________ Class period__________

Please staple your paper in the following order:
• This score sheet
• Outline
• Draft
• Peer edit sheets
• Picture
• Final draft

Student score
All steps included ________/30
Visual aid ________/15
Introduction ________/15
Three experiences ________/45
Transitions ________/15
Life lessons ________/30
Total ________/150

Mrs. Cheney’s score
All steps included _______/30
Visual aid _______/15
Introduction _______/15
Three experiences _______/45
Transitions _______/15
Life lessons _______/30
Total _______/150

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