Wednesday, November 14, 2007

11/14/07 final draft

Today we are in the computer lab working on our final drafts of our autobiographies. The great news about the final draft is that you should already have all the work done at this point. All you have to do now is type up the changes you decided to make during the revision step of the writing process.

  • 12 pt. Times New Roman
  • double-spaced
  • 3-5 pages
  • great introduction (do NOT use: "My paper is about . . .)
  • focus on life lessons learned (nice alliteration, eh?)
  • smooth transitions
  • include a picture/drawing/collage/illustration/etc.

The final paper will be due at the beginning of class tomorrow. Please staple your paper in this order:

  • score sheet
  • outline
  • first draft
  • peer edit sheets
  • picture
  • final draft

Good luck on your final. I hope you've discovered something new about yourself during this writing assignment.

Coming attractions:

We will be reading some fun short stories in class tomorrow and Friday. Monday and Tuesday we will be having individual conferences. The trimester ends on Tuesday. Don't forget the important due dates shown in the side bar to the right.------>