Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/27/07 8th grade comparison/contrast

Today we read a short essay about the first Thanksgiving (pages 137-139 in your red literature books). We will be comparing/contrasting the first Thanksgiving with our own modern traditions. When we read or write comparison/contrast essays, we should pay particular attention to the signal words used to alert us to similarities and differences.

comparison signal words:
  • additionally
  • moreover
  • in the same way
  • similarly
  • both
  • correspondingly
  • as well as
  • besides
  • further
  • too
  • also

contrast signal words:

  • except
  • despite the fact
  • but
  • although
  • by contrast
  • instead of
  • nevertheless
  • however
  • on the other hand
  • otherwise

When we see these kinds of words, we can expect a comparison (how the two are similar) or a contrast (how the two are different).

During the next three days, we will be writing an essay comparing and contrasting our own Thanksgiving traditions with the first Thanksgiving. Whenever we write in our class, we follow the writing process:

prewrite (gather ideas):

  • brainstorm
  • list
  • chart
  • map
  • web
  • free write
  • outline
  • diagram


  • organize your ideas in sentences and paragraphs
  • write quickly and don't worry about mistakes

revise and edit:

  • have someone read your paper to help you find ways to improve your writing
  • read your paper aloud to discover your mistakes
  • add detail
  • correct mistakes
  • etc.

final draft

  • make your paper nice and ready to turn in

For our prewriting today, we made a Venn diagram. We will work on the first draft tomorrow in class.

Homework tonight:

  • finish Venn diagram
  • find one additional source of information about the 1st Thanksgiving (the Internet is a good place to look), decide if is it a primary or secondary source.