Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today we typed the first draft of our character analyses. Homework tonight: have your parents read your draft and fill out the Parent Evaluation.

Parent Evaluation Sheet
Five Paragraph Character Analysis

Student Name________________________________

Parent Name_________________________________

Dear Parent,
We have been learning about the structure of the five paragraph essay in language arts. This is a structure that your student will follow again and again during his/her education. We have worked on this draft for several days in class, and we are now ready to fine tune the final draft. Please read this draft of your student’s five paragraph character analysis and check for the following requirements:

1. Is the paper double-spaced (no extra spaces) and typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font? Yes or No
2. Does your student’s paper have five distinct paragraphs? (The first line of each paragraph should be indented; there shouldn’t be extra spaces between paragraphs.) Yes or No
3. Does the essay start with a hook? (A quote, scenario, question, description, etc. which draws the reader’s interest) Yes or No
4. Does the first paragraph introduce the character and the work the character is from? Yes or No
5. Does the first paragraph introduce three ideas (sub-topics) about the character? Yes or No
6. Does the first paragraph have 3-6 sentences? Yes or No
7. Is the second paragraph an explanation of the first idea (sub-topic) stated in the first paragraph? Yes or No
8. Does the second paragraph have examples from the book or movie to support that idea? Yes or No
9. Does the second paragraph have 6-8 sentences? Yes or No
10. Is the third paragraph an explanation of the second idea (sub-topic) stated in the first paragraph? Yes or No
11. Does the third paragraph have examples from the book or movie to support that idea? Yes or No
12. Does the third paragraph have 6-8 sentences? Yes or No
13. Is the fourth paragraph an explanation of the third idea (sub-topic) stated in the first paragraph? Yes or No
14. Does the fourth paragraph have examples from the book or movie to support that idea? Yes or No
15. Does the fourth paragraph have 6-8 sentences? Yes or No
16. Does the fifth paragraph summarize the paper? Yes or No
17. Does the fifth paragraph restate the thesis and three ideas (sub-topics)? Yes or No
18. Does the fifth paragraph include a final thought that ties back in to the opening hook? Yes or No
19. Is the fifth paragraph 3-5 sentences in length? Yes or No

You will be making changes to your first draft based on "no's" on your evaluation.

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