Friday, September 5, 2008


Today was a reading/glossary day. You should have at least three words in your glossary.

After reading time, we started a new writing project. We learned earlier this week about the importance of having good characters in any plot. We are going to look more closely at a specific character of your choice as we complete a character analysis essay.

Today we worked on the pre-writing for this essay. First we brainstormed about the characters we could choose. Then we answered the questions on this worksheet:

Name______________________ Class period_____________

Character analysis worksheet

To analyze something means to break it down into parts in order to understand how it works. When you analyze a character, you examine what the character says, does, and thinks in order to gain an overall understanding or insight into him or her.

Choose a character we have read about in class or in your individual reading. Answer the following questions about your character. You will be writing a 5-paragraph character analysis on your character during the next few days in this class, so include as much detail as possible in order to have enough material. Use the rubric below when considering which details to include. Remember, choose your character carefully. The more interesting the character, the more you’ll have to write about.

Character_______________________________ from ___________________________.

What does your character look like?

How does your character behave?

What is important to your character?

What does your character think?

How do other people in the story respond to your character?

What is the character’s conflict?

What it the most interesting/exciting thing about your character?
A good character analysis:
• Uses an attention-getting opener
• Identifies the character, the work, and the writer
• Includes a thesis statement
• Cites specific details that support the thesis
• Is organized clearly
• Summarizes the main idea in its conclusion

We will continue with the five steps of the writing process as we work on this assignment.