Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We started our day writing this week's spelling words in our planners. See the right side bar for the spelling list. We will have a quiz on these words on Friday. Also on Friday's quiz--a few questions about our POSOFT (part of speech of the week). This week it is the noun. The two kinds of nouns we discussed today are concrete nouns and abstract nouns. See the side bar to the right for a mini-lesson on nouns.

After spelling, we read and put words in our glossaries.

We continued with our work on our five paragraph character analysis today. We talked specifically about the required information in the first paragraph.

1. Introduction
• Hook—grab the reader’s attention with a quote, scenario, question, vivid description or conflict associated with your character. 1-2 sentences
• Thesis statement—character’s name, the book (or movie) he/she is from and the author. 1 sentence
• Three sub-topics. Choose three character traits to focus on. Briefly state the three traits you will talk about in your essay. 1-3 sentences

Your first paragraph should be 3-6 sentences.

Things to consider:
• Do not use phrases like “I am writing about . . .”, “This essay is about . . .”, “My character is . . .”
• Do not restate the assignment in any way
• A great hook in the beginning will make the rest of your essay more interesting.
• Choose your three sub-topics wisely—you’ll be writing a paragraph about each of them in the body of your paper.

You should have completed a draft of your introductory paragraph by the end of class.

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